Smiling young boy in a beanie showing his handmade holiday crafts at school

Providing Individualized Education Programs for Over 40 Years

Established in 1981, Lakeview Learning Center is a therapeutic private day school dedicated to helping students attain their true potential and develop the life skills necessary to function in the community. Lakeview Learning Center provides students with a small, structured learning setting coupled with individualized attention from professional educators and on-staff counselors. Throughout the LLC program, the emphasis is on:

    Building student awareness that each person is in control of and responsible for his or her own success and failures
    Helping each student better understand the relationship between the self and the environment
    Assisting students in developing the coping skills necessary to function more effectively
    Helping parents better understand the needs of their child and keeping them appraised of his or her progress

Feel like we are the right school for you?

Contact us today to get the process started today!