Dear Parents:With the advent of the Coronavirus affecting an increasing number of people in the world and the introduction of several cases in various states in our own country, the staff and administration of Lakeview Center feel we must address this situation immediately. While we are continually monitoring the alerts from The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the New Jersey Department of Health, and the New Jersey Department of Education, we ask that you, as parents, take proactive and preventative action as well in order to prevent, and or limit, the spread of this virus into our communities. There is much that you can do to help counteract this potentially deadly disease.
We, here at Lakeview, want to thank you in advance for helping us to provide a safe and healthy environment, not only for your child but for all of our students and staff. It is imperative that we work together to achieve this goal. Lives depend on it!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at (973) 319-8371. Enclosed, please find flyers from the NJ Department of Health regarding proper washing of hands.
George Swanson,
Contact us today to get the process started today!