Our Coronavirus Procedures & Policies

Dear Parents:With the advent of the Coronavirus affecting an increasing number of people in the world and the introduction of several cases in various states in our own country, the staff and administration of Lakeview Center feel we must address this situation immediately. While we are continually monitoring the alerts from The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the New Jersey Department of Health, and the New Jersey Department of Education, we ask that you, as parents, take proactive and preventative action as well in order to prevent, and or limit, the spread of this virus into our communities. There is much that you can do to help counteract this potentially deadly disease.

Poster showing handwashing steps for effective hygiene, from wetting hands to drying

Preventative and Proactive Actions that Students, Families,
and Staff can do:

    Get a flu shot.
    Keep your child home if he or she is ill. If a fever is present (100 degrees or higher), students, as well as staff, are required to remain at home for at least 24 hours after they are fever-free, and without taking any medication. If your child was ill during the night with a fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea, he or she must not return to school until 24 hours after these symptoms have ceased. If your child complains of abdominal pain and cramping, or severe headache, or if he or she exhibits cold symptoms that include persistent cough or inability to breathe through the nose, severe sore throat, swollen glands, a rash, or red draining eyes, please keep your child at home. Calling your child’s doctor should always be a priority in these unsettling times.
    If your child complains of any of these symptoms while at school, as a precautionary measure, you will be required to pick him or her up within an hour. The student will not be allowed to return home on their school vehicle with other students. In the event that you may not be able to pick up your child, we ask that you make arrangements, in advance, with a family member, or friend, to do so.
    Any student who has a fever must go home immediately. 
    We must emphasize that these requirements are not discriminatory in any way. They are needed in order to keep all students, staff, and the general public safe from the spread of this virus. Since we cannot tell without tests whether your child has Coronavirus or the flu, we must treat all sick persons as potentially having this disease.
    Among the things that you can do to help prevent contracting this virus are: avoiding touching your eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.
    Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw it in the garbage immediately.
    Wash hands frequently. Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds paying special attention to the fingertips—especially after sneezing or coughing. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and always wash hands with soap and water if they are visibly dirty.
    Try to avoid contact with persons who are sick.
    Practice proper methods for washing hands with your child, and review the proper protocol for sneezing and coughing. 

It is important to note that if a student has recently traveled to an area in the world that has been impacted by the Coronavirus, Lakeview will contact the appropriate agency, and the student will be required to remain home for two weeks.

Providing Behavior Management Systems

We, here at Lakeview, want to thank you in advance for helping us to provide a safe and healthy environment, not only for your child but for all of our students and staff. It is imperative that we work together to achieve this goal. Lives depend on it!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at (973) 319-8371. Enclosed, please find flyers from the NJ Department of Health regarding proper washing of hands.


George Swanson,

Informational poster detailing situations when handwashing is essential, like before meals or after touching animals

2021-22 Restart and Opening Plan

    Lakeview's COVID-19 emergency operations plan and procedures can be viewed here.
    Here is our updated virtual or remote instruction plan for 2021-22.
    2020 Opening Archives /2020-21 Reopening. Please review our attached letter for reopening, our remote learning code of conduct, and our daily health checklist that must be filled out for each in-person school day
    Please view our plan for reopening this fall here. Buses should arrive by 8:20am, and dismissal is at 2:03pm.
    Click here for our employee emergency paid sick leave act policy.

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